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A Letter From CK Satyapriya: Spring 2023

A letter from our President CK Satyapriya for Spring 2023.  Each quarter the President & CEO of CTL Engineering addresses our clients and employee-owners.

Dear Client and Employee-owner:

In this newsletter, we present a blog on one of our services – Forensic engineering, specifically, materials failure. By providing this service, we continue to learn.

As Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that won’t work”.

In business, failures are inevitable but often viewed as a negative outcome. How a company responds to failures can make all the difference.  However, failure can be a powerful learning opportunity. By examining what went wrong and identifying ways to improve, businesses can use their failures as a springboard to success. By embracing failure as a natural part of the business process, companies can develop resilience and innovation and adapt to changing landscape. Businesses can turn failure into success by systematically analyzing failure, fostering a learning culture, and experimenting with new approaches.

CTL has applied this philosophy to provide this service and manage our business. This has helped us continue growing and prosper with your help and clientage.

Spring is the time of rebirth and renewal. We wish you all a happy and healthy year.

C.K. Satyapriya, P.E., D. GE, F. ASCE

President & CEO

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