Many types of facilities use hazardous materials or petroleum products in their daily operations. If Accidental spills occur or hazardous material is released into the environment, it can cause soil and/or groundwater contamination that has the potential to lower property values, threaten the environment and even threaten human health.
As a result, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other state agencies have created regulations to protect both the environment and human health. These regulations provide guidance particularly for the characterization and remediation of properties with contamination.
CTL has a team of qualified and experienced environmental engineers, scientists, geologists, ecologists, and technicians to guide our clients. Together, the team works with clients to devise a strategic approach that:
- Identifies and delineates impact from hazardous material,
- Selects the appropriate method of remediation to clean up the property. Ideally, the appropriate remediation technique lowers contamination to either meet or exceed state and federal risk-based cleanup standards in both a cost-effective and timely manner.
The end result is a property that can continue to be used or can now be redeveloped in an environmentally safe way.
Typically, environmental due-diligence studies (i.e., Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Underground Storage Tank Release Investigations, Spill Response, etc.) are performed first. These studies identify, characterize, and delineate the impact of contamination on the soil and/or groundwater.
CTL’s environmental specialists work with the client to tailor relevant remedial technologies based on the client’s needs and develop a Remedial Action Plan. The plan includes preferred remedial action(s), methods of implementation, estimated costs, schedule, and regulatory cleanup goals.
CTL also works with clients to explore realistic financial assistance options available through state and federal grants. Additionally, CTL may be able to help clients leverage pollution insurance policies when available.
Finally, CTL can help clients implement the remedial action plan by working with CTL partners and remediation contractors for field implementation.
Many property owners work with CTL throughout the environmental process leading to remediation, including:
- Phase I ESA to identify potential soil/groundwater contamination.
- Phase II ESA to sample, characterize, and delineate the contaminant migration in soil, groundwater, and soil gas.
- Developing and implementing Remedial Action Plans.
- Various remedial technologies:
- Removal and disposal of contaminated soils,
- Onsite ex-situ bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soils,
- Onsite in-situ chemical oxidation of soils contaminated with chlorinated solvents,
- Groundwater extraction and in-situ oxygenation,
- Soil vapor extraction and air sparging to stimulate bioremediation,
- Limiting contaminated groundwater plume migration by installing pumping wells/slurry walls or permeable reactive barriers,
- Solidification/stabilization of soils for heavy metals,
- Lines of Evidence (LOE) – Monitoring for Closure – Natural Attenuation,
- And other developing technologies.
Throughout the process, CTL works with the client to consider how to meet regulations, create a clean site, and minimize liabilities in a way that also limits impact to any existing businesses and explores budget-friendly solutions.
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