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A Letter From CK Satyapriya: Spring 2020

A letter from our President CK Satyapriya for Spring 2020.  Each quarter the President & CEO of CTL Engineering addresses our clients and employee-owners.

Dear Valued Client,

We are living through an unprecedented time, at least in our lifetime. During this pandemic, we hope and wish that all of you and your near and dear ones are safe and healthy. I hope that we will come out of this situation with a lot more empathy towards all living things, including the animals and the environment. Living in harmony with the environment will minimize the negative impact on all of our lives. We should be more concerned about our quality of life and society than our material holding.

We thank with gratitude all of the front line service providers who selflessly help us cope during this pandemic, by taking care of us, making sure that we are safe, and providing food. Let us listen to the experts and follow their advice to be safe and healthy.

I am sure we will come out of this situation to a changed world where the business as we know it may not exist. Nature adapts, as does the virus. This change requires all of us to adjust/change. My favorite book is Who Moved My Cheese. This book is much more relevant today. If we (our businesses) do not observe what is going on around us and prepare for the change, we will become unnecessary or irrelevant. We will seek and take the advice of our Clients to adapt our plan to serve your needs.

This newsletter contains articles of Changes that have happened at CTL/ICS/Vector/IRH. Thank you all for your forbearance.

C.K. Satyapriya, P.E., D. GE, F. ASCE

President & CEO

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