Noise as Pollution
At CTL Engineering, there is an entire environmental team dedicated to identifying, assessing, and remediating many types of pollution.
From soil contaminants left by large industrial sites, to household pollutants such as asbestos and halogen lights, to intrusions into wetlands and other protected areas, CTL Engineering’s expertise extends to a wide range of pollutants that can affect the quality of life for people living and working nearby.
But there is one pollutant that is often overlooked that can also impact health: noise pollution.
According to studies, noise pollution is not only uncomfortable, but it can drive hearing loss and tinnitus, exacerbate cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, and cause sleep disturbances, stress, mental health, and cognitive problems.
Additionally, noise pollution is not just a human concern. It can have a profound impact on wildlife, disrupting their ability to navigate, hunt, and communicate.
And finally, noise can impact property values when quiet neighborhoods are suddenly exposed to noisy roadways or noisy machinery.
One way to combat noise pollution is to use walls or other tools to dampen the noise before it reaches sensitive areas such as homes, medical facilities, and daycares. The most familiar example to many people is the high walls along the side of a highway that separates the highway and the noise it creates from surrounding neighborhoods.
In fact, the Federal Highway Administration requires noise analysis for many major projects and, depending on the study’s results, will often require mitigation measures to be put in place.
Based on standards set by FHWA, engineers model potential noise conditions and model various mitigation solutions – including noise barriers, alternate roadway alignment and noise-reducing pavement materials. There is often a public-facing portion as well to ensure the best solution is identified for the surrounding community.
Beyond the FHWA, there are other instances when individuals or companies may want to do preventative noise analysis or implement mitigation measures before construction begins. From large facilities like airports or railways to smaller industrial facilities – implementing noise mitigation before a problem arises can help businesses comply with local noise ordinances, keep the surrounding community happy and limit its negative impact on the area it occupies. Additionally, it can help keep businesses in compliance with noise ordinances set by their local communities.
Even when long-term noise is not anticipated, some communities require noise mitigation during construction to prevent a temporary disturbance.
By conducting early assessments, businesses can identify potential noise issues and incorporate solutions into their project plans, avoiding costly changes later. Proactive noise management also contributes to building positive relationships with local residents and stakeholders, demonstrating a company’s commitment to responsible development. Moreover, early noise mitigation efforts can enhance a project’s overall sustainability profile, aligning with broader environmental goals.
Although walls are the most commonly recognized noise mitigator, a variety of other options are available such as berms, vegetative buffers, hay-bale walls, roadway alignment and modifying buildings by adding extra insulation or other noise-dampening tools.
In any noise mitigation project, CTL works with clients to look at a suite of potential options and identify which are right for them based on their budget, aesthetics and effectiveness.
As part of a variety of services focused on various aspects of pollution, the CTL team offers comprehensive noise analysis and mitigation solutions to help prevent noise impacts from the cradle to the grave of your projects.
Our focus is always on presenting clients options that balance concerns for cost and timing with what’s best for the community. By integrating noise mitigation into our broader environmental services, CTL Engineering not only helps clients comply with legal standards but also fosters healthier, more livable environments.